About Us
Based in Warman, Saskatchewan, Hawthorn Floral Atelier is a private studio florist that specializes in bespoke and specially curated floral designs. What originally began as a retail floral and craft store in 2016 evolved over the years to focus mainly on wedding and event flowers. As my life, and the world, continues to change I look forward to shifting Hawthorn Floral Atelier back towards its roots. While a retail store is not in the future at this time, I am excited to be offering more of what brought me joy from the very beginning.

New for 2024, you are now able to order our floral designs for special holidays throughout the year such as Valentine's Day, Mother's Day, Easter, Thanksgiving, and Christmas.
I will also be working to create a better offering for funeral and memorial flowers than what is currently available in the area. These flower designs are incredibly near and dear to my heart and I would be honoured to provide them at at time in peoples' lives when the world feels especially heavy and dark.
Everyday retail orders are not accepted at this time.
This year also marks the first year I will be offering lovelies for your garden. Starting with a dahlia tuber sale in early March, the hope is to continue to offer some of the beauty we grow in the summer months to you!